There will be a school bond referendum on the city ballot for the Nov. 5, 2024, General Election — and you can learn more about it at community engagement sessions on Aug. 22, Sept. 30, and Oct. 15.
The referendum will provide funds for capital improvement projects for the city public school system:
Shall the City of Fairfax, Virginia, contract a debt, borrow money, and issue its general obligation bonds in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $220,000,000 to provide funds, together with other funds, to undertake a program of capital improvement projects for the public school system of the City, and to fund the cost of issuing such bonds?
You are invited to these community engagement sessions to learn more about the referendum and answer your questions:
Thursday, Aug. 22 (Virtual)
Info: email, 703-293-7131
This press release was produced by the City of Fairfax. The views expressed here are the author’s own.