McCOOK Neb. – The School Board is expected to move forward with a the highly anticipated bond issue to upgrade junior high and high school facilities.
The McCook Public School Board will likely approve and adopt a resolution calling for an election to be held in conjunction with the statewide general election regarding a proposition to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $43,500,000 to finance the costs of specific projects for the District and related expenses.
The school board will welcome eight new teachers to the district at the August School Board Meeting, which will be 6 p.m. on Monday in the junior high conference room.

New McCook Public Schools teachers attend orientation at Central Elementary School. They are, front from left, Shari Goodenberger, Mary Jo Overton, Sheryl Gunsch, and Jordan Lewis. Back. Jenna Morgan, Logan Loker, Ciara Loker, and Cam Berry.
Anna LaBay/McCook Gazette
Three additional days of training were provided to the new teachers to help them prepare for their first year. A mix of new and experienced teachers will join the faculty.
Other items on Mondays agenda include information about a recent in-service focusing on appropriately and productively utilizing Artificial Intelligence in schools. The board will accept a $500 donation from Farm Credit Services for the summer food program.
They will also approve the 6000 policy package.