Key Takeaways
- Prioritize key followers for crucial abilities in Metaphor: ReFantazio for easier gameplay.
- Neuras shines as a key character with unique abilities and serves as the Gauntlet Runner’s pilot.
- Bonding with Maria offers time-saving benefits like speed cooking and a well-crafted story.
The follower system in Metaphor: ReFantazio somewhat resembles the Social Links in Persona, although in Atlus’s medieval fantasy JRPG, the dialogues are shorter, and nearly every level gained with a character represents a new ability for the player. Throughout the game, different characters emerge to assist the protagonist on the journey.

Metaphor ReFantazio: 10 Things That Set It Apart From Persona Games
Despite being made by Atlus, Metaphor ReFantazio makes a number of design choices that differentiate it from the developer’s Persona series.
However, among so many options, some of the best followers are important to prioritize first in Metaphor: ReFantazio, because some abilities they grant are crucial for players throughout the game. Therefore, whenever the protagonist has free time between dungeon adventures and other missions, interacting with these characters is essential.
10 Neuras
The Gauntlet Runner’s Pilot Is A Fun Character
Although he doesn’t join the group during adventures outside the Gauntlet Runner, Neuras is an amazing character with his own shine, serving as the pilot of the Gauntlet Runner. His bond should also be prioritized first in Metaphor: ReFantazio, especially due to its unique aspects.
Rather than waiting for the right moment to talk to him, it’s better to explore the map in search of lost relics that will progress the friendship with the character. The bond with Neuras unlocks the Gunner archetypes, which areis very versatile, and he also also make battles on the Gauntlet Runner easier — at the start of the fight, he deals damage to all the enemies present there.
9 Gallica
A Perfect Bond For MP Sustain In Dungeons
It’s common in many Persona games for some social links to be tied to the game’s story, and in Metaphor: ReFantazio, Gallica fulfills that role. Throughout the story, players naturally develop a friendship with her, unlocking abilities and gaining more power for the Mage archetype.
The abilities she grants are aligned with the game’s progression, allowing players to use her Fae Sight to obtain more information about dungeons or even discover when they can interact with another follower to increase their bond. Furthermore, the Mage archetype is essential for characters to have mana sustain during the dungeons.
8 Heismay
An Incredible Story Among The Followers — But Lacking Great Abilities
Although Heismay doesn’t grant many relevant abilities to players during the journey of Metaphor: ReFantazio, the Thief archetype is already very good due to the possibilities it offers during battles, like stealing items from enemies. However, what truly shines is Heismay’s charisma.
His story is among the best of the game’s followers, showing a character with a cute appearance but full of experience, breaking the usual Atlus pattern for this category. Furthermore, his plot revolves around accepting the death of his own son and moving forward through an emotional journey that captures players’ attention.
7 Hulkenberg
A Follower Who Protects The Protagonist
Meeting Hulkenberg is one of the first things players will do in Metaphor: ReFantazio, with the character also being one of the most important for the story’s development. Evolving her bond is something players can do relatively early in the game and should be prioritized first, as she is one of the best followers.

7 Things That Metaphor ReFantazio Does Like Persona
Persona fans will be delighted to discover these similarities between Atlus’ long-standing franchise and their upcoming Metaphor: ReFantazio.
At the second level, players can unlock the Guard Duty ability, which gives a small chance for Hulkenberg to protect the protagonist when enemies target a weakness. Although it’s not guaranteed to always activate, this possibility can arise at crucial moments in combat, preventing enemies from gaining extra turns and causing even more damage.
6 Catherina
Excellent For Making More Money With Bounty Rewards
Catherina’s case in Metaphor: ReFantazio is somewhat unique because during the first part of interactions with her, they are not made by the player’s choices, happening automatically while traveling across the continent in the Gauntlet Runner. However, the last interactions with her are done conventionally, with the player choosing the moment.
Advancing the bond with Catherina unlocks interesting abilities, such as the ability to see treasures scattered across the map in a dungeon or receive greater gold rewards from the bounties available in the game. Moreover, her character’s story is interesting and worth following.
5 Junah
Unlocks An Excellent Archetype And Good Skills
Although present in Metaphor: ReFantazio from the beginning of the story, portrayed as a famous singer in the game’s world, Junah gains even more relevance from the middle of the journey. From the moment she becomes available, her bond should be one of the bonds to prioritize first.
This is because at the second ranking, players gain access to Triumphant Hymn, a very good ability for surviving in the game’s late-game dungeons, as it recovers a small amount of MP after squad battles. Moreover, the Masked Dancer archetype is excellent, with direct references to Persona when evolved to the next level.
4 Brigitta
A Secure Source Of Money For Players
Brigitta’s bond is one of the best in Metaphor: ReFantazio, not only because of the archetype she unlocks (Merchant) — which has one of the best hero passives in the game and allows players to earn a lot of gold throughout the dungeons — but also because of its quality. The character is interesting, with a tough background revealed throughout the story.
Maintaining a friendship with Brigitta is recommended because of the discounts received in the game’s equipment shops, as well as the greater variety of items that may appear. For players who want the best prices in shops, this bond in Metaphor: ReFantazio should be high on the priority list.
3 Alonzo
Discovering The Weaknesses Of Enemies Is Extremely Useful
Alonzo’s story is one of the most interesting among the bonds available in Metaphor: ReFantazio, showing how the character’s own ideals caused great problems — not only for him, but also for those close to him. These events alone make it worth prioritizing his bond as soon as he becomes available, but there’s even more.

10 Beginner Tips For Metaphor: ReFantazio
For players just starting Altus’ new title, here are a few essential tips to keep in mind.
From rank 4, players will have reduced costs in the game’s magic shops, which is already pretty nice, but the character’s true ability lies in Grifter’s Eye, available only at friendship level 7. It’s a game-changing skill for the late game, revealing enemies’ weaknesses (excluding bosses), which makes many dungeon battles easier.
2 Maria
The Protagonist’s Younger Sister Offers More Time Freedom
Just as Nanako was one of the best social links in Persona 4, the role of the protagonist’s younger sister falls to Maria in Metaphor: ReFantazio, being one of the bonds that should be prioritized first in the game. Her story is well-crafted, showing the problems a child faces in the United Kingdom of Euchronia.
When players reach the fourth bond level with her, they gain access to one of the most useful abilities in the game: speed cooking. This allows using the Gauntlet Runner’s kitchen once a day without spending a time slot, which is quite useful since the game’s dishes offer powerful bonuses — and it frees up more time to interact with other followers.
1 More
The Secrets Of The Akademia And The Archetypes Are Discovered Through Him
Having a role similar to Persona’s Igor, who guides characters through newly acquired powers, More is one of the bonds that should be prioritized first in Metaphor: ReFantazio. By advancing his follower level, it reveals more about the character’s story and unlocks excellent abilities.
The first is at the third follower level with him; More’s Magic Igniter allows access to the Archetype panel without needing to go to the Akademia every time, directly from the main menu. The second is Ability Forecast, which comes at rank 4 and allows players to see which abilities they can get with each available follower. Hugely helpful when planning ahead.