Photo courtesy of Metro Creative Connection
Those who live in the Shepherd School District will have the opportunity to vote to effectively extend the bond which finances the building additions and updates which were done in 2008. This proposal extends the current debt, which will not increase the millage (and accordingly, property taxes) from the current rates. I support this bond extension, and ask that voters in the district do the same.
It’s important for district residents to know that school funding in Michigan is done on a per student basis. When you consider the freedom students have to easily change school districts (schools of choice), it becomes clear: Districts that do not keep their facilities current will lose students and the money that goes with them. The 2008 renovations and expansions paid dividends in the form of a large schools of choice contingent which continues to this day. The construction plan associated with this bond benefits some extracurricular activities, but the reality is that students expect competitive infrastructure for sports, arts and science and will go elsewhere if they are not available.
It’s also crucial to recognize that state per student payments no longer cover major facilities maintenance and renovations. Things like new windows and siding, as well as HVAC updates need to be funded by bonds such as this one, much as a mortage or home equity loan might help pay for a new roof or furnace for a home. If you study the plans ( you’ll find a lot of necessities (expansion of an undersized cafeteria, mechanical updates, additional classrooms, and skilled trades upgrades) which would be impossible to pay for with per student funding. It should be noted that our regional manufacturers association, the Central Michigan Manufacturers Association, endorses this proposal because of the metal and woodshop expansions. This area of the state has been making good progress increasing career technical opportunities for our students, but there is still a ways to go. Employers continue to struggle to find talent.
Please join me in supporting this bond proposal on August 6. You will be helping not only our school and students but also the business community.
Bill Henderson, Shepherd
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