TEMPLE, Texas (KWTX) – The parents of a child with Emmanuel Syndrome collect donations for their child’s specialized physical therapy after they said Medicaid dropped its coverage.
This is the second annual trunk-or-treat hosted by Todd and Deanna Kavanaugh. They began hosting the events to repay the Temple community for the kindness they showed the Kavanaugh’s son on his birthday during the pandemic. The Kavanaughs saw an outpour of birthday cards for their son, Austin Kavanaugh, in 2020.
Austin suffers from Emmanuel Syndrome which has left him unable to walk his entire life.
“We were told he wouldn’t do certain things,” Todd said. “Walking was one of them.”
In October of 2023, Austin took his first steps.
“We have a saying for him,” Todd said. “It’s ‘He can and he will.’ And we stand behind that.”
Austin’s family credited his ability to walk to hippotherapy. It’s a type of specialized physical therapy that uses a horse’s movement to stimulate the muscles of its rider.
Austin’s mom said with Medicaid no longer covering hippotherapy, their son’s treatment is in jeopardy.
“It’s pretty upsetting because we know how much he enjoys it and how much he needs it,” Deanna said.” “It’s really hard when you take something away from a child and especially a special needs child that depends on that therapy.”
Austin’s parents said they were touched by the support their family has received from the Temple community.
“It’s overwhelming, the work that we’ve put into it,” Todd said. “And to have the support that we have from all the different vehicles that are out here, it makes me feel pretty good. It’s an amazing feeling.”
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