OKLAHOMA (KXII) – Four southern Oklahoma school districts will have school bonds on the ballot Tuesday August 27, 2024.
Kingston Public Schools are asking voters to approve a 17 million dollar bond to construct a new elementary classroom that includes Kingston’s fourth safe room since adding their first, 13 years ago.
This bond is also for the demolition of their 53 year-old Alternate Education Building, renovation of the high school, and elementary roofing that is nearly 40 years old.
New turf and field fencing for their athletic fields is also on their to-do list. Kingston’s public schools say there is no tax increase for this bond.
Thackerville Public Schools have a seven million dollar bond proposal for a new baseball and softball field, located within school grounds. This would include new stands and a press box and concession building. The Wildcats seek to build a new gymnasium equipped with a fire alarm and sprinkler system as well.
Thackerville says the bond will cause no tax increase for voters.
For Boswell public school, voters will see two propositions on the ballot. Proposition one is $450,000 to improve school buildings, acquire new furniture and fixtures. Proposition two is $400,000 for transportation equipment.
Boswell Superintendent Keith Edge says this is not the same as the last bond, which failed; this year’s bond has no additional taxes if this one passes.
Lastly, there’s a $280,000 bond for Moyers Public Schools to renovate their elementary’s flooring, paint, doors and add new furniture and equipment.
According to Moyers ISD, due to having no outstanding bonds, this will cause a “slight increase” in property taxes for a 10-year period.
Oklahoma schools bonds need a sixty percent supermajority to pass. Polls are open Tuesday August 27 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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