NORTHBOROUGH – American Legion Post 234 will be able to start repairing its kitchen, thanks to funds allocated by the Select Board.
During its Aug. 12 meeting, the Select Board allocated $50,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to American Legion Post 234. As of the meeting, the Select Board had about $1.162 million remaining in ARPA funds.
When Post 234 was allowed to open during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was only permitted to open a few days a week and wasn’t able to generate a lot of revenue.
“Past commanders at that time, loyal veterans, riders, volunteers and auxiliary tried to hold the place together as much as they could and did a great job doing so,” said Commander Edgar Blanchette. “However, it still wasn’t enough to get us back to where we needed to be.”
The building was built in the 1800s, and the Legion moved in in 1916.
According to Blanchette, as the post receives funds, they work to update issues with safety issues a top priority.
One night, a pilot light in the stove extinguished, activating the carbon monoxide alarm. He said the fire department responded and discovered a “few discrepancies” in the kitchen. The kitchen was shut down due to poor venting and an incomplete sprinkler system.
According to a memo to the town, the kitchen has been a “hub” for community events and helped provide the ability to serve food at a lower cost. The Post used the funds raised for American Legion Scholarships, Boys/Girls State for local students, maintain the color guard, help with the Vets Food Pantry and served as a meeting hall.
“We haven’t been able to provide the scholarships, or Boys/Girls State sponsorships, and with poor facilities our membership has suffered in general. In general, the town Veteran participation somewhat depends on this Post remaining actives,” the memo read.
According to the memo, Post 234 needs to install a sprinkler system, ventilation system and new hood vent in addition to updating equipment and bringing everything up to code.
“The ARPA funds will put us in a position where we can start the repairs immediately and get back to what we do best — helping the community and veterans,” said Blanchette.
While Post 234 was looking for more funds than the $50,000 allocated, Select Board Chair Mitch Cohen said he hoped they could use the money as a “catapult” for any fundraising or grants. Other members voiced support for allocating additional funds after they hearall of the requests.
The GoFundMe for the project can be found at https://www.gofundme.com/f/revive-vincent-f-picard-posts-kitchen.
Historical Society receives funds
During the meeting, the Select Board allocated $21,000 to the Northborough Historical Society.
The Northborough Historical Society is located at 52 Main St., and the building is over 100 years old. In addition to the historical society, other community groups use the Meeting Room, including Alcoholics Anonymous and Sierra Club.
According to President Michael Duchesneau, said the society has experienced damage to the ceiling over time.
“The ceiling has seen better days … We’re looking to improve that space and also, as I mentioned, the lighting,” he said.
“I thought this was an appropriate use of ARPA funds because of the number of public facets that your organization touches and the building touches throughout the town,” said Cohen.